
Title Category Hits
Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani
by: Abu Aadil  10/24/2023 3:57:41 PM
The Great Scholars 2,087
‘Ramadan’ - Some pointers
by: Abu Aadil  3/26/2023 11:33:38 AM
Selected Lecture Series 4,408
The Signs Before the Day of Judgement
by: Chief Editor  11/14/2022 11:47:03 AM
Aqeedha 12,888
Fasting in Shawwal - Six Days in Shawal
by: Chief Editor  5/16/2022 12:04:26 PM
Sawm - The Fasting during the month of Ramadhan 3,527
Biography of Imam adh-Dhahabi
by: Chief Editor  11/25/2021 7:42:02 PM
The Great Scholars 5,126
Paradise and Hellfire asks for your protection.
by: Abu Aadil  11/8/2020 7:28:25 PM
Selected Lecture Series 2,967
Forgiveness -Seeking Forgiveness from Allah ﷻ
by: Abu Aadil  10/15/2020 7:18:46 PM
Selected Lecture Series 3,305
by: Chief Editor  10/8/2020 4:39:23 PM
Tajweed 5,551
by: Chief Editor  10/8/2020 2:46:24 PM
Tajweed 8,112
by: Chief Editor  10/8/2020 1:30:20 PM
Tajweed 6,781
Morning Adkaar(Remembrance)
by: Chief Editor  10/8/2020 10:41:14 AM
Supplications 4,409
Remembrance of Allah in the Evening
by: Ibn Hameed  9/10/2020 4:56:03 AM
Supplications 1,332
Qunoot Al-Witr (Witr Prayer)
by: Ibn Hameed  7/23/2018 9:12:39 AM
Salah - The Five compulsory prayers 4,299
Kufr (rejection of faith) and its types
by: Chief Editor  7/23/2018 8:47:03 AM
Knowledge & Propagation 929
The Seven Reciters & their Transmitters!
by: Chief Editor  12/24/2017 8:02:48 PM
Tajweed 2,744
The Istiaada الاستعاذة- Seeking Allah`s refuge from accursed devil
by: Chief Editor  12/24/2017 7:48:35 PM
Tajweed 5,181
The Origins of Shirk
by: Shaikh Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaani  11/15/2014 8:22:34 AM
Aqeedha 6,196
Superiority of those who neither treat with amulet, nor get themselves branded nor take omens
by: Ibn Hameed  8/15/2014 5:25:23 AM
Hadith Qudsi (Sacred Hadith) 4,237
Superiority of the believers in the Oneness of Allah and the punishment of Jews and Christians
by: Ibn Hameed  8/15/2014 4:58:52 AM
Hadith Qudsi (Sacred Hadith) 4,628
One whose intention is not pure will deserve Hell. Purity of intention is essential in all deeds
by: Ibn Hameed  8/15/2014 4:25:05 AM
Hadith Qudsi (Sacred Hadith) 4,674
Shirk (polytheism) is a grievous sin
by: Ibn Hameed  8/15/2014 3:34:56 AM
Hadith Qudsi (Sacred Hadith) 6,573
Warning against hypocricy
by: Ibn Hameed  8/15/2014 3:22:59 AM
Hadith Qudsi (Sacred Hadith) 5,168
Numerous Bid’ah (Innovation) in the Month of Rajab
by: Chief Editor  5/7/2014 4:02:23 AM
Innovated Celebrations 1,761
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Qadiyanis
by: Ibn Hameed  6/17/2013 7:00:23 PM
Ahmediyyah 788
Our Lord! Perfect our Light for us, and grant us Forgiveness
by: Ibn Hameed  6/16/2013 7:26:30 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 832
Our Lord! Make us not a (test and) trial for the Unbelievers
by: Ibn Hameed  6/16/2013 7:25:35 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 751
Our Lord! In Thee do we trust, and to Thee do we turn in repentance
by: Ibn Hameed  6/16/2013 7:24:18 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 740
Our Lord! Forgive us, and our brethren who came before us into the Faith..
by: Ibn Hameed  6/16/2013 7:17:53 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 891
And grant, our Lord! that they enter the Gardens of Eternity...
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 2:59:21 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 662
Our Lord! Thy Reach is over all things, in Mercy and Knowledge..
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 2:46:21 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 718
Our Lord is indeed Oft-Forgiving Ready to appreciate (service)
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 2:43:20 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 712
O my Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring...
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 2:40:15 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 699
Our Lord! Avert from us the Wrath of Hell..
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 2:38:48 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 726
Our Lord! We believe; then do Thou forgive us...
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 2:04:38 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 704
Our Lord! We fear lest he hasten with insolence against us
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 2:03:36 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 712
Our Lord! Bestow on us Mercy from Thyself...
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 2:02:15 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 697
O our Lord! Cover (us) with Thy Forgiveness - me, my parents, and (all) Believers...
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 1:20:42 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 710
O our Lord! And accept my Prayer.
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 1:19:15 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 663
O our Lord! Truly Thou dost know what we conceal and what we reveal...
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 1:06:35 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 681
Our Lord! Make us not a trial for those who practice oppression...
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 12:53:35 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 690
Our Lord! Pour out on us patience and constancy,
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 12:50:10 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 748
Our Lord! Decide Thou between us and our people in truth,
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 12:42:36 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 698
Our Lord! Send us not to the company of the wrong-doers
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 12:23:41 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 772
Our Lord! We have wronged our own souls...
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 7:48:55 AM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 697
Our Lord! We have wronged our own souls...
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 7:45:46 AM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 269
O Allah our Lord! Send us from heaven a table set (with viands)...
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 7:44:42 AM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 724
Our Lord! We believe; write us down among the witnesses.
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 7:43:29 AM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 665
Our Lord! Grant us what Thou didst promise unto us through Thine apostles
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 7:42:15 AM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 643
Our Lord! Forgive us our sins, blot out from us our iniquities...
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 7:40:31 AM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 725
Our Lord! We have heard the call of one calling (Us) to Faith...
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 7:20:55 AM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 703
Our Lord! Any whom Thou dost admit to the Fire..
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 7:14:21 AM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 695
Our Lord! Not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this!
by: Ibn Hameed  6/14/2013 7:04:44 AM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 739
Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and anything We may have done that transgressed our duty..
by: Chief Editor  6/14/2013 6:59:22 AM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 786
Our Lord! We believe in what Thou hast revealed...
by: Chief Editor  6/14/2013 6:54:37 AM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 818
Fundamentals of Islam
by: Chief Editor  12/30/2011 9:28:49 AM
Out Reach 3,845
Our Lord! We have indeed believed: forgive us..
by: Chief Editor  1/21/2011 2:05:56 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 5,024
Our Lord! Thou art He that will gather mankind Together...
by: Chief Editor  1/21/2011 2:04:25 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 4,658
Our Lord! (they say), Let not our hearts deviate now after Thou hast guided us...
by: Chief Editor  1/21/2011 1:50:15 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 14,480
Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear...
by: Chief Editor  1/21/2011 1:48:41 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 10,735
Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden...
by: Chief Editor  1/21/2011 1:28:27 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 4,914
Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error
by: Chief Editor  1/21/2011 1:26:25 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 6,240
Our Lord! Bestow on us endurance...
by: Chief Editor  1/21/2011 1:24:07 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 4,670
Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter...
by: Chief Editor  1/21/2011 1:03:04 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 5,715
Lesson 17 - A Warning Against Shirk (Associating partners with Allah) And Different Kind of Sins.
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/27/2010 4:57:23 PM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 1,794
Lesson 16 - Taking On Islamic Manners
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/27/2010 4:50:16 PM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 740
Lesson 15 - Every Muslim Must Adorn Himself with Manners That are Legislated By Islam
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/27/2010 4:37:17 PM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 782
Lesson 14 - Actions That Nullify One`s Ablution
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/27/2010 4:33:06 PM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 781
Lesson 13 - Elements That Are Obligatory (Fard) In The Wudhu`
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/27/2010 4:20:29 PM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 874
Lesson 12 - The Conditions Of Wudhu` (Islamic Ablution)
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/27/2010 1:44:12 PM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 845
Lesson 11 - Actions That Nullify One`s Prayer
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/27/2010 1:26:43 PM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 778
Lesson 10 - The Sunan Elements Of Prayer
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/27/2010 10:46:39 AM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 4,746
Lesson 09 - An Explanation of The Tashahhud
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/27/2010 10:18:22 AM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 4,267
Lesson 08 - The Obligatory Elements of Prayer
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/27/2010 10:14:09 AM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 4,340
Lesson 07 - The Pillars (Arkan) of Prayer
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/27/2010 10:02:50 AM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 4,356
Lesson 06 - The Conditions For Prayer
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/27/2010 9:48:47 AM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 4,396
Lesson 05 - Ihsan
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/27/2010 9:43:19 AM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 4,377
Advice Concerning The Usage Of Time
by: Sheik Muhammad bin Utheimin  12/26/2010 9:24:44 PM
Articles 383
Lesson 04 - The Categories of Tawhid and Shirk
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/25/2010 5:37:16 PM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 5,584
Lesson 03 - The Pillars Of Faith
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/25/2010 5:16:38 PM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 4,325
Lesson 02 - The Pillars Of Islam
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/25/2010 4:57:23 PM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 4,498
Lesson 01 - Surat Al-Fatihah And Other Short Surahs
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  12/25/2010 3:48:57 PM
Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim 4,839
Purification and Prayer
by: Chief Editor  12/21/2010 10:05:58 PM
Selected Lecture Series 4,897
The Importance of Knowledge and Related Issues
by: Chief Editor  12/21/2010 8:27:03 PM
Selected Lecture Series 9,243
Bidahs common on ‘Aashooraa’
by: Chief Editor  12/12/2010 1:45:21 PM
Innovated Celebrations 630
Amanah-An Islamic Perspective
by: Ibn Hameed  12/8/2010 4:41:09 PM
Selected Sermons (Friday Khutbah) 7,903
How Does a Learned Person Call to Allah?
by: Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah  12/4/2010 4:48:36 PM
Out Reach 3,758
Imam al-Qurtubi [died 671H/1272CE]
by: Chief Editor  11/21/2010 3:06:22 PM
The Great Scholars 1,425
Ruling on celebrating the middle of Sha’baan
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  7/27/2010 5:08:53 PM
Innovated Celebrations 620
The grievous sin of Shirk (joining partners with Allah)
by: Chief Editor  2/27/2010 11:24:18 AM
Hadith Qudsi (Sacred Hadith) 6,454
Ruling on celebrating the birthday of the Prophet
by: Chief Editor  2/21/2010 7:58:55 AM
Innovated Celebrations 649
Fiqh-us-Sunnah - Volume 2: Supererogatory Prayer
by: Chief Editor  2/21/2010 7:56:57 AM
Books 1,281
Our Lord! And make us submissive unto You
by: Chief Editor  2/21/2010 7:34:21 AM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 4,773
Superiority of Monotheism
by: Chief Editor  2/20/2010 4:17:55 PM
Hadith Qudsi (Sacred Hadith) 5,769
Our Lord! Accept from us
by: Chief Editor  2/14/2010 7:45:59 PM
Forty Rabbana Supplications 4,891
Jesus Christ Son of Mary (Peace be Upon them)
by: Chief Editor  12/20/2009 11:42:57 AM
Out Reach 3,796
Gospel of Jesus Christ
by: Chief Editor  12/20/2009 11:32:40 AM
Out Reach 5,155
An Introduction to the Sunnah
by: Chief Editor  7/13/2009 9:55:37 PM
Sunnah 4,457
Memorizing the Qur`an
by: Chief Editor  7/13/2009 9:34:22 PM
Quran 7,060
Arabic-The Language Of Qur`an
by: Chief Editor  7/13/2009 9:27:10 PM
Quran 5,747
Answering Shiaism
by: Chief Editor  7/12/2009 12:27:15 PM
Shi'ites 673
Ali ibn Abee Talib on the allegations against Abu Bakr and Umar
by: Chief Editor  7/12/2009 12:13:00 PM
Shi'ites 2,574
Ahl Al-Bait, Ummahat Al-Mu`minin (The Prophets Family)
by: Chief Editor  7/12/2009 12:04:33 PM
Shi'ites 709
Khatam un Nabiyeen? Another Qadiani deception exposed!
by: Chief Editor  7/12/2009 11:56:02 AM
Ahmediyyah 1,161
by: Chief Editor  7/7/2009 5:13:28 PM
Innovated Celebrations 646
Notes on Fi`qh-us-Sunnah of as-Sayyid Sabiq
by: Shaikh Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaani  6/28/2009 7:39:12 PM
Fiqh - Jurisprudence 8,423
Compilation Of Ahaadeeth
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 7:28:37 PM
Hadith 4,736
A Simple Explanation Of Ahaadeeths
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 7:20:53 PM
Hadith 4,724
The Story of `Umar Being Corrected by a Woman
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 3:12:24 PM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 3,093
Learn witchcraft (sihr), but do not use it
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 3:08:29 PM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,112
I am a tree, ‘Ali is its trunk, Faatimah is its branches and al-Hasan and al-Husayn are its fruits.
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 3:07:31 PM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,059
Whoever sleeps after ‘Asr and loses his mind has no one to blame except himself
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 3:05:30 PM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,019
Placing the hands below the Navel while in the prayer-salaath
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 3:04:05 PM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,093
If I am someone’s mawla (friend) then ‘Ali is his mawla too
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 2:59:42 PM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,117
You will indeed battle the Mushrikeen until the last of you fight the Dajjaal at a river in Jordan
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 2:57:57 PM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,073
Eating from the Deceased`s house
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 11:26:30 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,150
Kissing The Thumbs In adhaan
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 11:16:04 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,197
Kissing The Fingers....
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 11:01:25 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,093
Whoever visits me after I die, it is as if he visited me when I was still alive…
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 10:53:36 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,447
When he<img alt="" src="/images/sawss.gif" border="0" /> raised his hands in Du`aa, he would not put them down until he had wiped his face with them.
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 10:43:25 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,092
Wiping the Face with the Hands After Du`aa'' (Supplication)...
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 10:31:54 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,065
Verily, my Companions are like the stars: so if you accept any of their sayings, you will be guided.
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 10:25:56 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,085
I asked my Lord about that which my Companions would disagree about after me, so ...
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 10:22:36 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,123
If there is no previous example (sunnah) of mine, then (act upon) what my Companions say...
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 10:17:26 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,041
The example of my Companions is that of the stars: he who follows any of them will be rightly-guided.
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2009 9:06:11 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,096
The Ahaadeeth on the Abdaal (The Substitutes)
by: Chief Editor  6/27/2009 8:56:19 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,500
Were it not for you (O Muhammad <img alt="" src="/images/sawss.gif" border="0" />) I would not have created the universe.
by: Chief Editor  6/27/2009 8:36:58 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,705
I was a hidden treasure, and I wished to be known, so I created a creation (mankind), then made Myself known to them, and they recognized Me
by: Chief Editor  6/27/2009 8:30:39 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,112
I was a Prophet while Adam was between clay and water" and the hadeeth, "I was a prophet when there was no Adam and no clay
by: Chief Editor  6/27/2009 8:26:05 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 2,358
The One who knows himself, knows his Lord
by: Chief Editor  6/27/2009 8:18:24 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 1,046
Neither My Heaven or My earth can contain Me, but the heart of My believing servant can contain Me
by: Chief Editor  6/27/2009 8:15:20 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 5,380
Love of ones homeland is part of faith
by: Chief Editor  6/27/2009 8:09:01 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 5,660
Seek knowledge even if it be to China
by: Chief Editor  6/27/2009 8:07:30 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 4,742
We have returned from the Lesser Jihaad, to the Greater Jihaad (i.e. the Jihaad against oneself)
by: Chief Editor  6/27/2009 8:05:18 AM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 4,631
Disagreement will occur at the death of a Khaleef and a man of the People of Madeenah will come forth flying to Mecca. Some of the people of Mecca ...
by: Chief Editor  6/26/2009 11:01:14 PM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 4,636
My Companions are like the stars: whichever of them you follow, you will be rightly-guided.
by: Chief Editor  6/26/2009 10:55:25 PM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 4,871
The Weakness of the Ahaadeeth Endorsing Ikhtilaaf (disagreement, differing)
by: Shaikh Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaani  6/26/2009 10:52:23 PM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 5,424
There will be a man among my Ummah known as Muhammad bin Idrees, who will be more harmful to my ummah than Iblees, and there will be ...
by: Chief Editor  6/26/2009 10:49:32 PM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 4,727
He who raises his hands during the prayer, there is no prayer for him.
by: Ibn Hameed  6/26/2009 9:50:41 PM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 7,254
He who recites behind the Imaam, his mouth is filled with fire.
by: Chief Editor  6/26/2009 9:33:41 PM
Weak Fabricated Baatil Ahaadeeth 4,727
The Saved Sect (al-Firqatun Naajiyah) - A brief introduction
by: Sheikh Jamaal al-Din M. Zaraboz  5/9/2009 2:57:37 PM
Aqeedha 6,374
Shariah - The Way of Justice
by: Chief Editor  3/3/2009 4:49:41 PM
Fiqh - Jurisprudence 8,910
Ijtihaad and Taqleed
by: Sheik Muhammad bin Utheimin  3/3/2009 3:46:49 PM
Fiqh - Jurisprudence 4,789
A Brief Essay Concerning Usoolul-Fiqh
by: Chief Editor  3/3/2009 3:30:03 PM
Fiqh - Jurisprudence 4,931
Fiqh-us-Sunnah - Volume 1: Purification and Prayer
by: Chief Editor  2/8/2009 10:53:30 PM
Books 2,316
The Month of Safar
by: Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid  2/8/2009 8:27:35 PM
Articles 418
Advice to the Students of Knowledge
by: Sheik Muhammad bin Utheimin  2/8/2009 8:09:03 PM
Articles 388
Aqeedatut-Tahaawiyyah By Imaam At-Tahaawi
by: Chief Editor  1/1/2009 11:41:11 AM
Aqeedha 11,206
Muharram - Its virtues and misconceptions
by: Chief Editor  12/27/2008 10:28:22 PM
Articles 1,363
Supplications related to the Aadhan(the call to the prayer)
by: Chief Editor  12/25/2008 3:04:53 PM
Supplications 1,069
Ruling on Celebrating Valentine’s Day
by: Chief Editor  12/24/2008 4:05:57 PM
Innovated Celebrations 766
Rites of Hajj and Umrah Manaasik-ul-Hajj wal ''Umrah
by: Shaikh Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaani  11/22/2008 5:15:17 PM
Hajj - The Pilgrimage to Makka 5,465
Innovations of Hajj & Umrah and Visiting Madinah
by: Shaikh Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaani  11/22/2008 4:05:51 PM
Hajj - The Pilgrimage to Makka 4,929
Errors in Prayers that must be Avoided
by: Chief Editor  11/22/2008 10:42:07 AM
Salah - The Five compulsory prayers 9,508
Assabiyyah - The deadly disease
by: Ibn Hameed  11/11/2008 5:00:29 PM
Selected Sermons (Friday Khutbah) 4,591
Halloween: Harmless or Haraam?
by: Chief Editor  10/16/2008 10:19:06 PM
Innovated Celebrations 707
The Yearly Celebration of the Night of Israa and Mi raj
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  10/16/2008 10:13:54 PM
Innovated Celebrations 665
The Milaad - A Caution Against Innovation
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  10/16/2008 10:08:33 PM
Innovated Celebrations 2,312
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  10/10/2008 3:49:04 PM
Shahadathain - The Testimony 8,637
Ash-Shahadah (The Testimony)
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  10/10/2008 3:42:10 PM
Shahadathain - The Testimony 4,365
Making Pilgrimage (Hajj) to the Sacred House
by: Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz  10/8/2008 6:56:01 PM
Hajj - The Pilgrimage to Makka 4,412
Superior Days For Righteous Deeds
by: Chief Editor  10/8/2008 6:30:49 PM
Hajj - The Pilgrimage to Makka 4,248
Istikhaarah Prayer
by: Chief Editor  10/8/2008 6:19:10 PM
Salah - The Five compulsory prayers 6,081
The Story of the Jinns listening to the Qur''an
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  10/4/2008 1:03:51 PM
Short Stories From The Quran 1,407
Zakat-ul-Fitr - an Introduction
by: Ibn Hameed  9/28/2008 4:25:32 PM
Zakah 4,513
What After Ramadan?
by: Chief Editor  9/28/2008 3:54:11 PM
Articles 550
Fasting in the Month of Shawwal
by: Chief Editor  9/27/2008 11:02:06 PM
Sawm - The Fasting during the month of Ramadhan 4,524
The Believer & The Disbeliever
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  9/20/2008 12:29:38 PM
Stories from the Quran 1,493
Common Mistakes Made During Ramadan
by: Chief Editor  9/6/2008 3:16:09 PM
Sawm - The Fasting during the month of Ramadhan 5,296
Unity When Fasting and on the Day of the Eid
by: Shaikh Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaani  9/6/2008 2:41:27 PM
Sawm - The Fasting during the month of Ramadhan 4,338
An Introduction to Zakah
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 5:06:51 PM
Zakah 4,454
As-Saboor - The Patient
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:12:48 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 822
Ar-Rasheed - The Guide to the Right Path
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:12:28 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 833
Al-Waarith - The Supreme Inheritor
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:12:11 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 872
Al-Baaqi The Everlasting
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:11:52 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 777
Al-Badi - The Incomparable
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:11:33 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 844
Al-Haadi - The Guide
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:11:13 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 765
An-Noor - The Light
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:10:49 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 789
An-Nafi - The Propitious
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:10:29 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 752
Ad-Daarr - The Distresser
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:10:07 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 854
Al-Mughni - The Enricher
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:09:27 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 238
Thul-Jalali wal-Ikram - The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:07:43 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 736
Malik Al-Mulk - The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:07:19 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 1,465
Ar-Ra''uf - The Compassionate
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:06:39 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 931
Al-Afuww - The Pardoner
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:06:20 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 783
Al-Muntaqim - The Avenger
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:05:51 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 876
At-Tawwaab - The Acceptor of Repentance
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:05:31 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 377
Al-Muta''ali - The Most Exalted
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:04:50 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 399
Al-Walee - The Governor
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:04:28 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 257
Az-Zaahir - The Manifest
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:03:48 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 239
Al-Mu''akh-khir - The Delayer
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:02:47 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 248
Al-Muqaddim - The Expediter
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:02:28 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 259
Al-Muqtadir - The Powerful
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:02:08 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 244
As-Samad - The Eternal
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:01:34 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 253
Al-Waajid - The Perceiver
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:00:26 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 391
Al-Qayyoom - The Self-Subsisting
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 11:00:05 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 796
Al-Hayy - The Alive
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 10:59:45 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 789
Al-Muhsee - The Counter
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 10:57:50 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 213
Al-Hameed - The Praiseworthy
by: Ibn Hameed  8/31/2008 10:57:28 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 738
Al-Haqq - The Truth
by: Chief Editor  8/31/2008 10:54:16 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 762
Ash-Shaheed - The Witness
by: Ibn Hameed  8/31/2008 10:53:45 AM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 723
SAWM (FASTING) The Great Act Of Worship
by: Sheik Muhammad bin Utheimin  8/30/2008 4:59:20 PM
Sawm - The Fasting during the month of Ramadhan 4,699
I''jaazul Qur''an--The Miraculous Nature of the Qur''an
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 8:54:52 PM
Quran 10,454
Al-Baith - The Reserrector
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:27:17 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 859
Al-Majeed - The Most Glorious One
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:26:51 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 844
Al-Wadood - The Loving
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:26:32 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 830
Al-Hakeem - The Wise
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:25:25 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 777
Al-Wasi - The Vast
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:25:03 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 795
Al-Mujeeb - The Responsive
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:24:39 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 769
Ar-Raqeeb - The Watcher
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:24:20 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 807
Al-Kareem - The Generous One
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:23:43 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 784
Aj-Jaleel - The Sublime One
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:23:17 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 827
Al-Haseeb - The Reckoner
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:22:48 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 756
Al-Muqeet - The Maintainer
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:22:30 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 793
Al-Hafeez - The Preserver
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:22:11 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 775
Al-Kabeer - The Most Great
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:21:51 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 779
Al-Aliyy - The Most High
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:21:29 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 977
Ash-Shakoor - The Grateful
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:21:10 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 782
Al-Ghafoor - The All-Forgiving
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:20:50 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 785
Al-Azeem - The Great One
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:20:19 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 775
Al-Haleem - The Forebearing
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:19:47 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 776
Al-Khabeer - The Aware
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:19:14 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 776
Al-Lateef - The Subtle One
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:18:47 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 742
Al-Adl - The Just
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:18:26 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 768
Al-Hakam - The Judge
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:18:04 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 782
Al-Baseer - The All-Seeing
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:17:42 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 744
As-Samee - The All-Hearing
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:17:14 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 794
Al-Muthil - The Dishonorer
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:16:49 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 804
Al-Mu'iz - The Honorer
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:16:25 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 813
Ar-Raafi - The Exalter
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:15:59 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 835
Al-Khaafid - The Abaser
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:15:18 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 842
Al-Baasit - The Expander
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:14:47 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 894
Al-Qaabid - The Constricter
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:14:23 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 925
Al-Aleem - The All-knowing
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:13:52 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 818
Al-Fattaah - The Opener
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:13:27 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 771
Al-Razzaaq - The Sustainer
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:13:02 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 932
Al-Wahhaab - The Bestower
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:12:35 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 802
Al-Qahhaar - The Subduer
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:12:14 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 798
Al-Ghaffaar - The Great Forgiver
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:11:47 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 790
Al-Musawwir - The Fashioner
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:11:19 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 814
Al-Bari'' - The Evolver,
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:10:40 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 786
Al-Khaaliq - The Creator
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:09:43 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 739
Al-Mutakabbir - The Majestic
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:09:20 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 823
Al-Jabbaar - The Compeller
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:08:04 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 4,466
Al-Azeez - The Mighty
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:07:19 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 4,257
Al-Muhaimin - The Protector
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:06:39 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 4,130
Al-Mu''min - Guardian of Faith
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 6:04:11 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 4,106
As-Salaam - The Source of Peace
by: Chief Editor  8/26/2008 5:58:15 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 4,286
Al-Quddoos - The Holy
by: Chief Editor  8/25/2008 6:16:37 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 4,320
Al-Malik - The King, The Sovereign Lord
by: Chief Editor  8/25/2008 6:15:30 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 4,371
AR-RAHIM - The Merciful
by: Chief Editor  8/25/2008 6:13:13 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 4,304
AR-RAHMAN - The Most Compassionate, The Beneficent The Gracious
by: Chief Editor  8/25/2008 6:10:43 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 4,044
by: Chief Editor  8/25/2008 6:08:49 PM
Al Asmaaul Husna - The most beautiful names 4,300
Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih Ibn `Uthaymeen
by: Chief Editor  8/23/2008 1:04:48 PM
The Great Scholars 880
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Ibn `Abdullaah Ibn `Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Baaz
by: Ibn Hameed  8/23/2008 1:03:16 PM
The Great Scholars 1,688
Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
by: Chief Editor  8/23/2008 1:01:22 PM
The Great Scholars 710
The State (Qualities) of the People of Faith from Soorah As-Sajdah
by: Marhum Muhammad Amani Maulavi (Shaikh)  8/22/2008 10:47:18 AM
Teachings of the Qur`aan 410
Life is a Fitnah! (as Understood From Soorah Al-'Ankaboot)
by: Chief Editor  8/22/2008 10:26:18 AM
Teachings of the Qur`aan 296
Umar ibn Abdil Aziz
by: Chief Editor  8/19/2008 8:04:33 PM
The Rightly-Guided Caliphs 7,685
Imam Al-Nawawi, the Rulers and the Masses
by: Sheikh Jamaal al-Din M. Zaraboz  8/19/2008 7:44:34 PM
The Great Scholars 768
The Three, Whose Decision was deferred by the Messenger of Allah
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  8/14/2008 10:39:02 PM
Short Stories From The Quran 1,072
Battle of Tabuk
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  8/14/2008 10:33:29 PM
Short Stories From The Quran 4,765
The Battle of Hunayn
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  8/14/2008 10:27:53 PM
Short Stories From The Quran 5,427
The People of Al-A`raf
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  8/14/2008 6:42:00 PM
Short Stories From The Quran 4,548
Story Bal`am bin Ba`ura
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  8/13/2008 11:21:55 PM
Short Stories From The Quran 4,525
Story of worshipping the Calf
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  8/13/2008 11:16:12 PM
Short Stories From The Quran 4,833
Story of the Emissary of `Ad
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  8/13/2008 11:08:16 PM
Short Stories From The Quran 4,543
The Story of Maryam's Birth
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  8/12/2008 11:07:13 PM
Short Stories From The Quran 5,494
The Story of the Dead People
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  8/7/2008 10:56:57 PM
Short Stories From The Quran 5,244
The Story of rebuilding the House by Quraysh before the Messenger of Allah was sent as Prophet
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  8/7/2008 10:51:33 PM
Short Stories From The Quran 5,666
The Story of the murdered Israeli Man and the Cow
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  8/7/2008 10:38:28 PM
Short Stories From The Quran 6,347
What is the makeup of The Muslim World?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:51:37 PM
FAQs 752
How does Islam guarantee human rights?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:51:08 PM
FAQs 693
What is Islam's presence in the United States?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:50:41 PM
FAQs 725
What about food?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:50:10 PM
FAQs 714
What does Islam say about war?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:49:47 PM
FAQs 761
How do Muslims view death?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:49:24 PM
FAQs 721
How do Muslims treat the elderly?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:48:48 PM
FAQs 1,624
Is an Islamic marriage like a Christian marriage?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:48:22 PM
FAQs 710
Can a Muslim have more than one wife?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:47:47 PM
FAQs 706
What about Muslim women?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:47:24 PM
FAQs 706
Why is the family so important to Muslims?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:46:58 PM
FAQs 702
What do Muslims think about Jesus?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:46:28 PM
FAQs 733
Does Islam tolerate other beliefs?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:46:01 PM
FAQs 744
What are the 'Five Pillars' of Islam?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:45:28 PM
FAQs 749
Are there any other sacred sources?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:44:42 PM
FAQs 714
What is the Quran about?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:42:46 PM
FAQs 690
What is the Quran?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:42:27 PM
FAQs 660
How did the spread of Islam affect the world?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:41:22 PM
FAQs 762
How did he become a prophet and a messenger of God?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:40:13 PM
FAQs 4,012
Who is Muhammad?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:39:34 PM
FAQs 4,047
What is the Ka'ba?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:38:50 PM
FAQs 4,168
Do Islam and Christianity have different origins?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:38:25 PM
FAQs 3,957
Why does Islam often seem strange?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:38:02 PM
FAQs 3,977
What does 'Islam' mean?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:37:24 PM
FAQs 4,142
How does someone become a Muslim?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:36:47 PM
FAQs 3,967
What do Muslims believe?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:35:12 PM
FAQs 4,049
Who are the Muslims?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:32:23 PM
FAQs 4,101
What is Islam?
by: Chief Editor  8/5/2008 10:31:52 PM
FAQs 4,070
HAFSA bint Umar
by: Chief Editor  8/3/2008 8:40:39 AM
Stories of the Companions 5,291
Fiqh-us-Sunnah - Volume 3: Zakaat and Fasting
by: Chief Editor  8/3/2008 8:30:21 AM
Books 2,744
The Position of 'A'isha (may Allah be pleased with her)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  8/3/2008 8:16:55 AM
Ummahatul-Momineen - The Mothers of the Believers 1,009
Sayyidatina MARIA al-Qibtiyya
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  8/2/2008 2:37:34 PM
Ummahatul-Momineen - The Mothers of the Believers 1,165
Imam Abu Hanifa - Part III - His Life and Work
by: Chief Editor  8/2/2008 1:50:19 PM
The Great Imams 2,291
Imam Abu Hanifa (Numan ibn Thabit) Part II
by: Chief Editor  8/1/2008 6:38:59 PM
The Great Imams 5,900
Story of Prophet Isa/Jesus (pbuh) Part III
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:32:54 PM
Stories of the Prophets 776
Story of Prophet Isa/Jesus (pbuh) Part II
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:32:24 PM
Stories of the Prophets 784
Story of Prophet Isa/Jesus (pbuh) Part I
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:31:11 PM
Stories of the Prophets 824
Story of Prophet Zakariyah/Zechariah and Yahya/John (pbut)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:29:13 PM
Stories of the Prophets 791
Story of Uzair/Ezra
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:28:26 PM
Stories of the Prophets 803
Story of Daniel (pbuh) &amp; The Reconstruction of Jerusalem In the Era of Jeremiah
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:26:03 PM
Stories of the Prophets 4,179
Story of Prophet Aramaya/Jeremiah (pbuh) &amp; The Destruction of Jerusalem
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:20:27 PM
Stories of the Prophets 897
Story of Prophet Isaiah (pbuh)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:19:48 PM
Stories of the Prophets 798
Story of Prophet Sulaiman/Solomon (pbuh)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:18:08 PM
Stories of the Prophets 792
Story of Prophet Dawud/David (pbuh)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:17:12 PM
Stories of the Prophets 792
Story of Prophet Shammil/Samuel (pbuh)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:15:19 PM
Stories of the Prophets 782
Story of Prophet Elyas/Elisha (pbuh)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:14:35 PM
Stories of the Prophets 814
Story of Prophet Hizqeel/Ezekiel (pbuh)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:13:06 PM
Stories of the Prophets 1,096
Story of Prophet Musa/Moses and Haroon/Aaron (pbut) - Part III
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:12:23 PM
Stories of the Prophets 834
Story of Prophet Musa/Moses and Haroon/Aaron (pbut) - Part II
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:11:43 PM
Stories of the Prophets 15,867
Story of Prophet Musa/Moses and Haroon/Aaron (pbut) - Part I
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:09:52 PM
Stories of the Prophets 22,184
Story of Prophet Yunus/Jonah (pbuh)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:07:44 PM
Stories of the Prophets 810
The Story of the Ya-sin People
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:06:10 PM
Stories from the Quran 1,675
The Story of the Dwellers of Ar-Rass
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 11:02:08 PM
Stories from the Quran 2,096
Story of Prophet Dhul-Kifl (pbuh)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 10:55:11 PM
Stories of the Prophets 1,153
Story of Prophet Ayoub/Job (pbuh)
by: Chief Editor  7/31/2008 10:54:24 PM
Stories of the Prophets 845
Story of Prophet Yusuf/Joseph (pbuh)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 10:53:05 PM
Stories of the Prophets 829
Story of Prophet Shuaib (pbuh)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/31/2008 10:51:23 PM
Stories of the Prophets 5,854
42 - Seeking Allah's Forgiveness
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 9:38:44 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 4,812
41 - Desires to be subservient to Revelation
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 9:37:49 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 3,449
40 - The Muslim's attitude towards the worldly life
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 9:37:01 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 4,470
39 - What is pardoned for this ummah
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 9:35:58 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 2,096
38 - The concept of Wilayah (the closer servants of Allah)
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 9:35:04 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 4,029
37 - How deeds are recorded
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 9:33:47 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 2,575
36 - The significance of fulfilling the needs of a Muslim
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 9:31:00 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 5,589
35 - Evil acts that spoil brotherhood
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:44:53 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 6,957
34 - The concept of Al-Amr bil-Ma'ruf wan-Nahiu 'anil-Munkar (Enjoining what is good and discouraging what is evil)
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:43:57 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 5,351
33 - The plaintiff and the defendant
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:42:59 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 2,049
32 - Not causing harm
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:42:02 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 4,996
31 - The concept of Al-Zuhd (asceticism) in Islam
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:40:26 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 3,065
30 - Transgressing the limits
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:39:35 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 4,765
29 - Deeds that lead to Paradise II
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:38:32 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 3,655
28 - Adhering to the Sunnah
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:37:25 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 3,120
27 - Internal Controlling System
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:36:20 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 3,636
26 - Charitable acts II
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:22:43 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 6,799
25 - Charitable acts I
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:21:38 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 7,446
24 - Prohibition of injustice and oppression; seeking Allah's Guidance
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:20:47 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 4,774
23 - How to free oneself
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:18:36 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 5,324
22 - Deeds that lead to Paradise I
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:14:28 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 2,993
21 - The concept of Istiqamah
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:13:20 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 3,469
20 - The concept of Al-Haya' (modesty)
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:12:25 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 2,981
19 - Allah's Protection
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:11:17 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 3,771
18 - The concept of Taqwa
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:10:02 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 3,537
17 - The concept of Ihsan
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:09:02 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 4,897
16. Restraining oneself from anger
by: Imam Nawawi  7/30/2008 8:07:48 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 2,309
Sayyidatina Maymuna bint al-Harith al-Hilaliyya (passed away 61 A.H/680 C.E)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/26/2008 4:53:36 PM
Ummahatul-Momineen - The Mothers of the Believers 1,026
Sayyidatina Safiyya bint Huyayy (passed away 50 A.H/670 C.E or 52 A.H/672 C.E)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/26/2008 4:53:11 PM
Ummahatul-Momineen - The Mothers of the Believers 6,701
Sayyidatina Umm Habiba, Ramla bint Abi Sufyan (passed away 44 A.H/664 C.E)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/26/2008 4:52:59 PM
Ummahatul-Momineen - The Mothers of the Believers 7,758
Sayyidatina Zaynab bint Khuzayma al-Hilaliyya (passed away 4 A.H/625 C.E)
by: Chief Editor  7/26/2008 4:52:48 PM
Ummahatul-Momineen - The Mothers of the Believers 6,393
Sayyidatina Juwayriya bint al-Harith (passed away 56 A.H/675 C.E)
by: Chief Editor  7/26/2008 4:52:11 PM
Ummahatul-Momineen - The Mothers of the Believers 6,300
Sayyidatina Umm Salama, Hind bint Abi Umayya al-Makhzumiyya (passed away 62 A.H/681 C.E)
by: Chief Editor  7/26/2008 4:51:56 PM
Ummahatul-Momineen - The Mothers of the Believers 6,313
Sayyidatina Sawda bint Zam'a (passed away 54 A.H/673 C.E)
by: Chief Editor  7/26/2008 4:51:15 PM
Ummahatul-Momineen - The Mothers of the Believers 7,597
Sayyidatina Zaynab bint Jahsh al-Asadiya (passed away 20 A.H/641 C.E)
by: Chief Editor  7/26/2008 4:29:44 PM
Ummahatul-Momineen - The Mothers of the Believers 8,380
Imam Muslim (202 - 261H)
by: Chief Editor  7/26/2008 4:06:42 PM
The Scholars of Hadith 6,706
Sayyidatina Hafsa bint 'Umar al-Faruq (passed away 45 A.H/665 C.E)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/26/2008 4:02:41 PM
Ummahatul-Momineen - The Mothers of the Believers 9,418
Sayyidatina 'Aisha Siddiqah bint Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (9 B.H-58 A.H; 613-678 C.E)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/26/2008 4:01:09 PM
Ummahatul-Momineen - The Mothers of the Believers 16,630
Sayyidatina Khadija bint Khuwaylid (68 B.H-3 B.H; 556-619 C.E)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  7/26/2008 3:59:52 PM
Ummahatul-Momineen - The Mothers of the Believers 12,520
Sayings Of The Imaams Regarding Following The Sunnah And Ignoring Their Views Contradictory To It
by: Chief Editor  7/14/2008 12:03:58 AM
The Great Imams 6,838
Biography of Imam Ahmed bin Hambal (ra)
by: Chief Editor  7/5/2008 2:52:14 PM
The Great Imams 11,838
Biography of Imam Shafi (ra)
by: Chief Editor  7/5/2008 2:49:30 PM
The Great Imams 7,981
Biography of Imam Malik (ra)
by: Chief Editor  7/5/2008 2:47:53 PM
The Great Imams 9,027
Imam Al Bukhari (194 - 265)
by: Chief Editor  7/4/2008 11:09:20 PM
The Scholars of Hadith 9,308
by: Chief Editor  7/4/2008 10:55:52 PM
The Great Imams 11,852
Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Hanbal, Abu `Abd Allah al-Dhuhli al-Shaybani al-Marwazi al-Baghdadi
by: Chief Editor  7/4/2008 10:55:15 PM
The Great Imams 9,526
Muhammad ibn Idris ibn al-`Abbas, al-Imam al-Shafi`i
by: Chief Editor  7/4/2008 10:54:29 PM
The Great Imams 9,022
Malik ibn Anas ibn Malik ibn `Amr, al-Imam, Abu `Abd Allah al-Humyari al-Asbahi al-Madani
by: Chief Editor  7/4/2008 10:53:02 PM
The Great Imams 10,347
Al-Nu`man ibn Thabit al-Taymi, al-Imam Abu Hanifa Part I
by: Chief Editor  7/4/2008 10:52:03 PM
The Great Imams 6,684
Asabiyyah - A Disease That Weakens The Muslim Ummah Part II
by: Chief Editor  6/29/2008 12:51:50 PM
Articles 234
Asabiyyah - A Disease That Weakens The Muslim Ummah Part I
by: Chief Editor  6/29/2008 12:48:52 PM
Articles 283
Upon leaving the Masjid
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 5:25:05 PM
Supplications 949
Upon entering the masjid
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 5:21:33 PM
Supplications 901
Supplication when going to the mosque
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 5:19:22 PM
Supplications 2,453
Upon entering the home
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 5:14:44 PM
Supplications 885
When leaving the home
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 5:05:41 PM
Supplications 3,491
Upon completing the ablution(wudoo)
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 5:01:55 PM
Supplications 3,504
When starting ablution(wudoo)
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 4:58:57 PM
Supplications 3,469
After Leaving the toilet/rest room
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 4:56:23 PM
Supplications 3,573
Before entering the toilet
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 12:56:21 PM
Supplications 3,430
Before undressing
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 12:53:46 PM
Supplications 3,841
Supplication said to someone wearing a new garment
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 12:51:36 PM
Supplications 4,423
Supplication said when wearing a new garment
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 12:49:44 PM
Supplications 4,591
Supplication when wearing a garment
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 12:47:32 PM
Supplications 4,543
When waking up
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 12:44:34 PM
Supplications 4,632
On completion of wudu
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 12:22:55 PM
Supplications 1,166
At the begining of making wudu
by: Ibn Hameed  6/28/2008 11:36:17 AM
Supplications 1,252
Fiqh-us-Sunnah - Volume 4: Funerals and Dhikr
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 11:02:27 AM
Books 4,841
Fiqh-us-Sunnah - Volume 5: Hajj and Umrah
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 11:00:31 AM
Books 1,579
On awakening from sleep
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 10:59:18 AM
Supplications 1,155
After having a nightmare
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 10:57:03 AM
Supplications 1,197
At the time of difficulty when Sleeping
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 10:36:15 AM
Supplications 1,292
For Morning & Evening
by: Chief Editor  6/28/2008 10:15:26 AM
Supplications 1,191
Hadith Qudsi 40
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 8:07:34 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 1,026
Hadith Qudsi 39
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 8:06:40 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 925
Hadith Qudsi 38
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 8:05:19 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 879
Hadith Qudsi 37
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 8:02:55 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 878
Hadith Qudsi 36
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 8:02:02 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 915
Hadith Qudsi 35
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 8:01:22 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 847
Hadith Qudsi 34
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 8:00:36 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 829
Hadith Qudsi 33
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:59:47 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 908
Hadith Qudsi 32
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:58:50 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 885
Hadith Qudsi 31
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:58:09 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 942
Hadith Qudsi 30
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:57:19 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 940
Hadith Qudsi 29
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:56:28 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 846
Hadith Qudsi 28
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:55:39 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 926
Hadith Qudsi 27
by: Utmani Script  6/27/2008 7:52:34 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 910
Hadith Qudsi 26
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:50:40 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 846
Hadith Qudsi 25
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:49:47 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 1,470
Hadith Qudsi 24
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:47:04 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 959
Hadith Qudsi 23
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:45:30 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 968
Hadith Qudsi 22
by: Utmani Script  6/27/2008 7:39:41 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 1,033
Hadith Qudsi 21
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:31:20 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 1,030
Hadith Qudsi 20
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:30:27 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 908
Hadith Qudsi 19
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:29:30 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 1,099
Hadith Qudsi 18
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:26:13 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 968
Hadith Qudsi 17
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:25:23 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 1,041
Hadith Qudsi 16
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:23:04 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 973
Hadith Qudsi 15
by: Imam Nawawi  6/27/2008 7:21:02 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 1,052
Hadith Qudsi 14
by: Imam Nawawi  6/21/2008 1:31:39 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 1,009
Hadith Qudsi 13
by: Imam Nawawi  6/21/2008 1:29:46 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 959
Hadith Qudsi 12
by: Imam Nawawi  6/21/2008 1:28:23 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 995
Hadith Qudsi 11
by: Imam Nawawi  6/21/2008 1:18:47 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 983
Hadith Qudsi 10
by: Imam Nawawi  6/21/2008 1:17:42 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 4,601
Hadith Qudsi 9
by: Imam Nawawi  6/21/2008 1:16:55 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 4,687
Hadith Qudsi 8
by: Imam Nawawi  6/21/2008 1:16:01 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 4,587
Hadith Qudsi 7
by: Imam Nawawi  6/21/2008 1:15:00 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 4,611
Hadith Qudsi 6
by: Imam Nawawi  6/21/2008 1:14:07 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 4,558
Hadith Qudsi 5
by: Imam Nawawi  6/21/2008 1:12:40 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 4,798
Hadith Qudsi 4
by: Imam Nawawi  6/21/2008 1:04:45 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 4,889
Hadith Qudsi 3
by: Imam Nawawi  6/21/2008 12:58:54 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 4,627
Hadith Qudsi 2
by: Imam Nawawi  6/21/2008 12:54:31 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 4,931
Gog and Magog
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 9:15:26 PM
Stories from the Quran 3,906
Dhul Qarnain
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 9:14:46 PM
Stories from the Quran 1,871
The Story of Saba'(Sheba)
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 9:14:03 PM
Stories from the Quran 2,858
Bilqis(Queen of Sheba)
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 9:13:35 PM
Stories from the Quran 1,814
Moses and AI-Khadir
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 9:11:49 PM
Stories from the Quran 1,550
Dwellers of the Town
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 9:09:20 PM
Stories from the Quran 1,268
Harut and Marut
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 9:08:25 PM
Stories from the Quran 6,824
The Story of Habil and Qabil “Able and Cain” The First Crime on Earth
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 8:49:22 PM
Stories from the Quran 5,061
The People of the Cave
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 8:04:32 PM
Stories from the Quran 7,177
People of the Ditch
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 8:03:40 PM
Stories from the Quran 6,400
Barsisa the Worshiper (The Renegade)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 8:03:12 PM
Stories from the Quran 7,497
Story of `Uzair (Ezra)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 8:02:26 PM
Stories from the Quran 5,352
Story of the Heifer
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 8:01:39 PM
Stories from the Quran 6,572
The Sabbath Breakers
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 8:01:06 PM
Stories from the Quran 7,038
The Story of Qarun (Korah)
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 7:59:55 PM
Stories from the Quran 6,612
Owners of the Elephant
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 7:59:04 PM
Stories from the Quran 4,559
The Story of Prophet Lut 'alayhis-salaam
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 7:53:02 PM
Stories of the Prophets 6,492
The Story of Prophet Yaqub 'alayhis-salaam
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 7:52:21 PM
Stories of the Prophets 8,838
The Story of Prophet Ishmâeel 'alayhis-salaam
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 7:51:35 PM
Stories of the Prophets 38,126
The Story of Prophet Ibrâheem 'alayhis-salaam
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 7:50:49 PM
Stories of the Prophets 48,303
The Story of Prophet Saalih 'alayhis-salaam
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 7:49:44 PM
Stories of the Prophets 5,724
The Story of Hud 'alayhis-salaam
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 7:48:39 PM
Stories of the Prophets 5,788
The Story of Nuh 'alayhis-salaam
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 7:48:04 PM
Stories of the Prophets 5,682
The Story of Idris 'alayhis-salaam
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 7:47:12 PM
Stories of the Prophets 5,818
The Story of Aadam 'alayhis-salaam
by: Imaam Ibn Katheer rahimahullaah  6/1/2008 7:45:05 PM
Stories of the Prophets 6,049
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 7:28:43 PM
The Rightly-Guided Caliphs 5,746
The Fourth Caliph, Ali (656-661 A.C.)
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 7:28:11 PM
The Rightly-Guided Caliphs 6,006
The Third Caliph, Uthman (644-656 A.C.)
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 7:27:36 PM
The Rightly-Guided Caliphs 9,173
The Second Caliph, Umar (634-644 A.C.)
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 7:26:59 PM
The Rightly-Guided Caliphs 7,714
The First Caliph, Abu Bakr (632-634 A.C.)
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 7:26:10 PM
The Rightly-Guided Caliphs 6,827
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 7:22:45 PM
The Rightly-Guided Caliphs 5,623
Zayd ibn Thabit
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:24:53 PM
Stories of the Companions 957
Umm Salamah
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:22:32 PM
Stories of the Companions 947
Umayr ibn Wahb
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:21:53 PM
Stories of the Companions 2,148
Umayr ibn Sad al-Ansari
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:21:24 PM
Stories of the Companions 934
Ubayy ibn Kab
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:19:54 PM
Stories of the Companions 955
Thumamah ibn Uthal
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:19:28 PM
Stories of the Companions 995
Thabit ibn Qays
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:19:02 PM
Stories of the Companions 2,110
Talhah ibn Ubaydullah
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:18:34 PM
Stories of the Companions 884
Suhayl ibn Amr
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:18:00 PM
Stories of the Companions 897
Suhayb ar-Rumi
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:17:34 PM
Stories of the Companions 922
Salman al-Farsi
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:14:07 PM
Stories of the Companions 931
Salim Mawla Abi Hudhayfah
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:13:37 PM
Stories of the Companions 2,685
Said ibn Zayd
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:13:05 PM
Stories of the Companions 908
Said ibn Aamir al-Jumahi
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:12:29 PM
Stories of the Companions 846
Sad ibn Abi Waqqas
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:11:54 PM
Stories of the Companions 839
Rumaysa bint Milhan
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:11:21 PM
Stories of the Companions 2,189
Ramlah bint Abi Sufyan
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:10:39 PM
Stories of the Companions 4,803
Rabi'ah ibn K'ab
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:10:08 PM
Stories of the Companions 908
Nuaym ibn Masud
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:09:40 PM
Stories of the Companions 895
Musab ibn Umayr
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:09:08 PM
Stories of the Companions 950
Muhammad ibn Maslamah
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:08:39 PM
Stories of the Companions 1,569
Muadh ibn Jabal
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:08:12 PM
Stories of the Companions 887
Khabbab ibn al-Aratt
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:06:32 PM
Stories of the Companions 897
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:06:00 PM
Stories of the Companions 914
Jafar ibn Abi Talib
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:05:33 PM
Stories of the Companions 903
Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:05:05 PM
Stories of the Companions 890
Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:04:28 PM
Stories of the Companions 942
Hakim ibn Hizam
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:03:57 PM
Stories of the Companions 1,423
Habib ibn Zayd al-Ansari
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:03:16 PM
Stories of the Companions 949
Fayruz ad-Daylami
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:02:36 PM
Stories of the Companions 857
Fatimah bint Muhammad
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:02:10 PM
Stories of the Companions 929
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 3:01:28 PM
Stories of the Companions 850
At-Tufayl ibn Amr ad-Dawsi
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:20:15 PM
Stories of the Companions 946
Asmaa bint Abu Bakr
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:19:40 PM
Stories of the Companions 2,552
An-Numan ibn Muqarrin
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:19:04 PM
Stories of the Companions 2,489
An-Nuayman ibn Amr
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:18:34 PM
Stories of the Companions 1,907
Amr ibn al-Jamuh
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:18:04 PM
Stories of the Companions 1,038
Al-Baraa ibn Malik al-Ansari
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:17:26 PM
Stories of the Companions 1,175
Aishah bint Abi Bakr
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:16:56 PM
Stories of the Companions 1,025
Adiyy ibn Hatim
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:16:29 PM
Stories of the Companions 1,041
Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:15:50 PM
Stories of the Companions 1,080
Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:14:53 PM
Stories of the Companions 953
Abu Musa al-Ashari
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:14:22 PM
Stories of the Companions 1,016
Abu Hurayrah
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:13:53 PM
Stories of the Companions 1,211
Abu Dharr al-Ghifari
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:13:11 PM
Stories of the Companions 1,135
Abu Ayyub al-Ansari
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:11:10 PM
Stories of the Companions 987
Abu-l Aas ibn ar-Rabiah
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:10:34 PM
Stories of the Companions 1,027
Abu-d Dardaa
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:10:07 PM
Stories of the Companions 9,462
Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:09:31 PM
Stories of the Companions 5,966
Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:08:43 PM
Stories of the Companions 6,011
Abdullah ibn Umar
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:04:59 PM
Stories of the Companions 7,959
Abdullah Ibn Sailam
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:04:21 PM
Stories of the Companions 7,137
Abdullah ibn Masud
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:03:51 PM
Stories of the Companions 6,214
Abdullah ibn Jahsh
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:03:22 PM
Stories of the Companions 9,019
Abdullah ibn Hudhafah as-Sahmi
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:02:13 PM
Stories of the Companions 6,107
Abdullah ibn Abbas
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:01:37 PM
Stories of the Companions 6,303
Abbad ibn Bishr
by: Chief Editor  6/1/2008 12:00:39 PM
Stories of the Companions 8,751
15 - Good manners in speech; behaviour of Muslims towards neighbours/guests
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 6:18:36 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 3,347
14 - The value of human life
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 6:16:32 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 2,769
13 - The obligation of loving all Muslims
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 6:15:10 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 2,383
12 - Being concerned with beneficial matters
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 6:11:33 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 2,369
11 - Avoiding doubtful acts
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 6:09:26 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 2,464
10 - Being pure (at-Tayyib)
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 4:00:44 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 9,561
9 - How are obligations to be fulfilled?
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 3:59:36 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 6,458
8 - The concept of Jihad
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 3:58:24 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 7,433
7 - Nasihah
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 3:56:49 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 8,515
6 - Purification of the heart
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 3:54:44 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 9,002
5 - Ibadah & Bida'ah (Innovation)
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 3:47:41 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 15,087
4 - Creation of human being; Al-Qadar
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 3:42:13 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 10,755
3 - The five pillars of Islam
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 3:37:06 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 9,002
2 - Islam, Iman, Ihsan, Qadar
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 3:34:55 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 17,102
1 - Actions are judged by intentions
by: Imam Nawawi  5/31/2008 3:14:47 PM
40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi 12,807
Salatul-Janaza (Funeral Prayer)
by: Chief Editor  3/25/2008 10:38:13 AM
Salah - The Five compulsory prayers 8,307
Tips for sisters who have started Hijaab...
by: Chief Editor  3/21/2008 9:10:09 AM
Out Reach 699
Hadith Qudsi 1
by: Imam Nawawi  3/3/2008 4:16:53 PM
40 Hadith Qudsi 5,036