Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim : Lesson 13 - Elements That Are Obligatory (Fard) In The Wudhu`


    Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim


There are six elements that are obligatory in Wudhu`

  1. Washing one`s face, including Al-Madhmadhah (washing out the mouth) and Al-Istinshaq (snuffing water into the nose and blowing it out)
  2. Washing one`s hands, elbows, and whatever is in between.
  3. Wiping one`s entire head, including one`s ears.
  4. Washing one`s feet, including one`s ankles.
  5. Performing these elements in order.
  6. Performing them at one time, with out too long of a pause between one body part and another.

It is recommended to repeat the washing of one`s face, hands, and feet three times; the same goes for the Madhmadhah and the Al-Istinshaq. However, it is obligatory to perform each of those elements only once. And based on the meaning of authentic Ahadith, one should wipe his head once only.