Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim : Lesson 08 - The Obligatory Elements of Prayer


    Explanations of Importance Lessons for every Muslim


There are eight obligatory elements in the prayer:

  1. All of the Takbirs, except for the opening Takbir (because it is one of the pillars of the prayer)
  2. To say: Sami Allahu Liman Hamidah (Allah listens to those who praise Him), both for the Imam and for the one who prays alone
  3. To say: Rabbana wa Lakal-Hamd (Our Lord, and for You is all praise), for every one.
  4. During the Ruko`o bowing position, to say: Subhana Rabbiyal Az`eem (How perfect my Lord is, the Supreme).
  5. During the Sujood (prostration), to say Subhana Rabbiayal-`Ala (How perfect my Lord is, the Most High).
  6. Between the two sujood (prostrations), to say: Rabbigh-fir Lee (My Lord, forgive me)
  7. The first Tashahhud
  8. and Sitting down for it.