Ahadith are the sayings, deeds of the Prophet under Divine guidance and are generally traced back to the Prophet as regards their authority. But some Ahadith hold a distinct place and are termed as Ahadtih Qudsi (Sacred Ahadith) and the authority in these Ahadith is attributed to Allah through the Prophet .
In this section we are try to provide a collection of 110 such Ahadith relating to the important aspects of daily life so that the readers may get benefited from it for the success in the life as well as in the Hereafter.
The Hadith Qudsi, or sacred hadith, have a particularly important status because their meaning is entirely from Allah (swt) while the wording is that of the Prophet Muhammad (s) himself. For each of the eighty hadith presented, the Arabic original has been printed alongside the English translation, which has earned a reputation for its scholastic accuracy and readability The hadith summarize the essential teachings of Islam, concentrating on the following areas: affirmation of the doctrine of tawhid and understanding Allah (swt) in all His attributes, the significance of the five pillars of Islam, attainment of virtue, self-sacrifice for the cause of Allah (swt) and preparation for the day of judgement. The hadith qudsi are the sayings of the Prophet divinely communicated to him. The present collection has been compiled from all the available books of hadith. The forty chosen here are all well authenticated and present many of the doctrinal, devotional and ethical elements of Islam.
The collection of Forty Hadith by al-Imam al-Nawawi (or Imam Nawawi) has been known, accepted and appreciated by Muslim scholars for the last seven centuries. Its significance lay in the fact that these selected forty hadiths comprise the main essential and fundamental concepts of Islam which, in turn, construct the minimum level of required revealed knowledge for every single Muslim. Since having good knowledge of the various fundamental aspects of the religion is key to a Muslim's practice and application of Islam, this web site attempts to provide simple and practical commentaries to the collection of Imam Nawawi's Forty Hadith.
Analysis of the narrators and chains of narration of some commonly Quoted Da’eef (Weak), Munkar (Rejected), False (Baatil), fabricated (Mawdoo) and Laa Asla Lahu (Baseless) ahaadeeth. It is important to note that there are numerous unfounded narrations that are declared Da’eef, Munkar, Baatil, Mawdoo or Baseless ahaadeeth. They are popular and are commonly circulated among all levels of society - the elite as well as the commoners. As such, it is our obligation to discuss them and indicate their erroneousness.
Islaam is very clear on the concept of God and the concept of Prophet so
that there is no confusion or ambiguity in the minds of Muslims between the two.
Islaam distinguished between a) The word of Allaah brought by the angel Jibreel
(Gabriel) as revelation, known as the Qur''aan; and b) The words of Prophet Muhammad
which are known as the Hadeeth.
This separate identity of Allaah and His creation is very vital if you study the history of old religions and Islaam ensured that they were not mixed. How was this done?
How Was The Integrity Of The Qur’aan Insured?
The companions
on the instruction of Prophet Muhammad
, wrote down the words of Allaah
as revealed and also kept them in memory, so as to ensure that from the time of
revelation until now the word of Allaah remains pure and untainted. However, the
Prophet commanded
the companions
not to write down the hadeeth during the early period of Islaam, and the wisdom
behind this was not to mix the hadeeth with the word of Allaah. It is very important
for Muslims to understand the differences between the hadeeth, hadeeth Qudsi, and
the Qur''aan.
There is another important aspect to hadeeth. The actions and sayings of the Prophet
provided clarification of the meanings of Qur''aan. When inquired about the character
of Prophet Muhammad
, his wife Aisha
replied, His character is the Qur’aan. This indicates that Prophet
gave further explanation of the Qur''aan with what he said or did during his lifetime.
For example, the Qur''aan mentions prayer and the hadeeth or the Sunnah shows Muslims
how and when to do it. The following details will help clarify the matter further.
Defining The Types Of Hadeeth
The meaning of Hadeeth is news, report or narration. They are reports about the
in the following:
What he
said (qaul)
What he
did (fi’ l)
What he
approved in other people’s action (taqrir)
There are also reports about him
i.e. what he
was like (sifa)
There is agreement among most Muslim scholars, that the contents of the sunnah are
also from Allaah. However, these were expressed by the Prophet Muhammad
in his own words or actions. They are the words and actions of a human being transmitted
by the companions and family members
, who memorized the words or
closely observed the actions of Prophet Muhammad
for the benefit of the Muslim Ummah.
Hadeeth Qudsi
Qudsi means holy or pure. There are some reports from Prophet Muhammad
where he relates to the people starting with a statement "Allaah (said) says