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The name is taken from the very first verse. The subject matter of the Soorah is the night of the revelation of the Qur-aan, which has been called Lailatul-Qadr – the Night of Qadr. The word "Qadr" has two meanings, both of which are applicable to this night:
Decree, determination, or decision about important matters
High status, magnificence, greatness and grandeur
Thus, we can translate Lailatul-Qadr as the Magnificent Night of Decree.
The purpose of the Soorah is to indicate the greatness of the Qur-aan and the greatness of the night of its revelation.
Reflecting upon the subject matter of these small Soorahs, the wisdom in the placement of the Soowar and their contextual relationship with each other becomes obvious. At-Teen mentioned the human potential for excellence as well as wickedness, and thus the need for Judgment in the Hereafter. It presented Adam and the five greatest messengers from his offspring as superb examples of people who were sent to invite others towards excellence and to get rid of the wicked who oppose such a mission. Al-`Alaq contained the first revelation indicating the appointment of Prophet Muhammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam for the purpose and the mission mentioned in At-Teen. And now this Soorah talks about how blessed the night was when that happened.