Chapter :103 Section: The Loss or Failure

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As explained in the footnote, the word Khusr used in this Soorah is the kind of loss that eats your capital. People invest capital for the objective of making profit. Khusr is the situation when they fail to attain that objective and, instead, end up losing the invested capital. From the perspective of our life in this world, time is our capital that is being used up by our pursuits of different goals and objectives. Khusr is, then, failing to pursue the goals and objectives for which Allaah has given us time (life).

People usually pursue different goals and objectives focused on the life of this world, as described in At-Takaathur. But this Soorah reminds them of the goals and objectives that Allaah has set for them.

Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta‘aala has created people so that they submit to Him and obey Him like slaves. Although He has not pre-programmed people for this obedience, He has told them that if they voluntarily submit to Him (become Muslim), He will be pleased with them and reward them; otherwise He will be angry with them and punish them. For those who seek to please Him by obeying Him (the Muslims), He bestowed them with Islam so that individually they become excellent in their conduct and dealings and collectively their society is characterized with justice, balance, peace, love, care and excellence.

Thus, the Muslims’ goal in life is to please Allaah so much with their obedience to Him that, in the Hereafter, He saves them from any hardships of hell and rewards them with the pleasures and comforts of Jannah to enjoy forever. To please Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta‘aala, their objectives in this world are to:

  • Continuously work to achieve excellence in their personal conduct and dealings; and
  • Strive hard to establish the Islamic system of peace, justice and excellence[6].

They must work for these objectives simultaneously, without neglecting either of them. These are the objectives for which Allaah had sent His Messenger and given us Islam. In other words, they are the objectives of Deen (Islam).

The successful are only those who invest their time pursuing the pleasure of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta‘aala by submitting to Him completely, focussing on the abovementioned goal of life and objectives of Deen. A lifestyle not focussed on these objectives causes utter loss.

The consequences in this world are the loss of justice, peace, tranquility and balance in the life of individuals and the society as well as incidences of exploitation, injustice, crime, violence and other social problems. The consequences in the Hereafter are the loss of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta‘aala’s rewards and bounties, and the severe punishment in Hell. Obviously, the loss in the Hereafter is drastically severer and everlasting, and there is no way to avoid it. That is why the Qur-aan emphasizes that:

“The real losers will be those who lose themselves and their families on the Day of Judgment. Ah, that is the manifest loss!” (Az-Zumar 39:15)

And the real success is described as,

“Whoever is saved from the Fire and admitted to the Jannah, he indeed is triumphant.” (Aali-‘Imraan 3:185)

Foot Notes

[6] For details, please refer to my book “Islam – Adopting its Paradigms”.

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